Project 2 Description: Where is the food? \ Reinforcement Learning in a Maze World.

Nuria Oliver
MIT Media Laboratory; 20 Ames St., Cambridge, MA 02139
[email protected]


Reinforcement learning is the problem faced by an agent that learns its behavior through trial-and-error interactions with its environment. The agent is connected to its environment via perception and action. On each step of interaction the agent receives as input i, some indication of the current state, s , of the environment; the agent then chooses an action a, to generate as output, following some action selection criterium. This action changes the state of the environment and the value of this state transition is communicated to the agent through a scalar reinforcement signal or reward. The agent's behavior should choose those action that tend to increase the long-run sum of rewards, i. e. it should find the optimal policy or mapping of states to actions. It can learn to do this over time by systematic trial and error, guided by a wide variety of algorithms, some of which this paper:

  1. Implements and
  2. compares when performing the same task.

Two important assumptions of the reinforcement algorithms are:

Therefore, in order to be able to apply this approach in a learning problem, I need to find the right environment where to test the system. In this project I have chosen a maze world. Such a world consists of a grid made of an arbitrary number of squares of width and length. Each square of this grid can have one of two different values:
  1. either a wall, that prevents the agent to move,
  2. or a free way or empty square where the agent can put itself.
There are two special grid positions:
  1. the starting position, from where the agent will start its search towards the
  2. the goal (food).

The task is to navigate through the maze from the starting point to the goal. From each state (maze position) there are four possible actions: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST, which change the state accordingly except when such movement would put the agent in a wall or outside the maze, in which case it doesn't move (the state doesn't change). Reward is zero for all transitions except for those into the goal state, for which it is 100000.

This kind of world is limited enough to allow us to enumerate all the possible states, but, at the same time, rich enough to allow us to evaluate the performance of the algorithms in different situations. In the current implementation the user can not only decide the size of the maze, but also design the wall positions and the starting and goal points. The learning and action selection policies as well as the different learning parameters can also be interactively determined by the user.

System's structure

The system consists of two different parts:

User interface

The user interface is a TCL/Tk interface whose main window is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: Main window of MazeWorld user interface.

The learning system

All the learning algorithms, as well as the world representation are implemented in C++ code.

Given that the interface controls the running process, when describing the interface we will also describe the learning system connected to it.

The main window of the program allows the user to:

  1. Design the maze that the system should learn and
  2. Determine some parameters of the learning process, as figures 2 to 5 represent.

    Figure 2: Action Selection Policy window interface.

    Figure 3: Running Parameters Selection window interface.

    Figure 4: Learning Strategy Selection window interface.

    Figure 5: Learning Parameters Selection window interface.

    1. Action Selection Policy (exploitation versus exploration): There is a fundamental tradeoff between exploitation of the knowledge that our agent already has about the world and the exploration of new paths in order to reach the goal. The action selection policy will determine whether the agent is more inclined to make use of its knowledge or to explore the world. The policies that are implemented in the system are:
      1. Greedy strategy: i.e., to always choose the action with the highest estimated payoff. The flaw is that early unlucky sampling might indicate that the best action's reward is less than the reward obtained from a suboptimal action.
      2. Exploration Bonus: which is a greedy technique combined with a factor to encourage exploration named the exploration bonus: each state-action pair is given this exploration bonus proportional to an uncertainty measure, , being  the number of time steps that have elapsed since action a was tried in state x. The policy is thus to select the action that maximizes the expected reward (greedy algorithm) plus , where  is a small positive parameter.
      3. Radomized strategies: Two randomized strategies have been developed:
        • A greedy strategy combined with a purely random action selection that happens with probability p, and
        • a Boltzmann exploration technique, in which the expected reward for taking action a,  is used to choose an action probabilistically, according to the distribution


          where the temperature parameter T is decreased over time to decrease exploration.

    2. Running Parameters: Some debugging flags as well as other options can be determined for each run:
      • Debug outputs a lot of information about how the learning process is taking place.
      • Debug draw draws the paths found by the agent towards the food step by step.
      • Debug Hyp outputs information about the hypothetical experiences in the family of Dyna architectures.
      • Do Learning Curves turns on/off the optional plot of the learning curves (steps per trial vs. trials).
      • Dump Results to File for saving the values of the learning curves onto a file.
    3. Learning Strategy: Four different variations of reinforcement learning have been implemented:
      1. Q-learning, where the learning rule is given by:


      2. DynaQ-, which extends the basic Q-learning by including an internal world model, defined as something that behaves like the world: given an state and an action it outputs a prediction of the resultant reward and next state. In addition to the usual learning step of Q-learning, there are also k learning steps using the model in place of the world and predicted outcomes rather than real ones. Therefore, for each real experience with the world, many hypothetical experiences generated by the world model are processed and learned from.
      3. DynaQ+, which is designed to be able to solve the shortcut problem , i.e. the case in which after having learnt the optimal policy for reaching the goal, the world changes in such a way that there is a better path to the goal. To help on this problem, DynaQ+ uses an additional memory structure to keep track of the degree of uncertainty about each component of the model. This uncertainty measure is called an exploration bonus. For real experiences, the policy is to select the action that maximizes  and the Q-learning equation is also modified so that equation 2 becomes:


  3. Learning Parameters: The parameters that can be tuned in the learning equations are:

Measuring the learning performance: stopping criteria

When should the agent stop exploring the world and decide that the optimal path found until this moment is the optimal one? There are different criteria for deciding whether the actual solution is satisfactory enough or not. The most immediate is an eventual convergence to optimal, which is not a good measure for the learning performance, because it is not useful in practical terms. Other factors such as the learning rate are more important in determining the system's performance. Therefore, our system applies a speed of convergence to optimality as the criterium to decide the goodness of the solution. Two variations of this phylosophy are implemented:

  1. Level of performance after a given number of time steps, that can be interactively tuned by the user. This is a completely heuristic value and it is difficult to assess when this value is satisfactory enough: obviously, the larger the number of time steps, the surer convergence to the optimal path is, but the longer the run time is as well as the number of iterations.
  2. Speed of convergence to near optimality, determined by a maximum accepted error in the solution, which is also tunable by the user.
From both strategies, the second one is more powerful than the first one in the sense that it provides a better criterium for stopping the learning process: the solution chosen is the optimal one but the number of iterations is much lower than with the first strategy.

Results and Conclusions


Given the flexibility that the user interface provides, each learning strategy can be run with different action selection policies and different learning parameters. The most important conclusions that must be pointed out are:

  1. Action Selection Policy: A purely greedy action selection policy is not convenient because there is a significant probability for the agent to select a suboptimal path and not to discover the optimal one, as figure 6 illustrates:

    Figure 6: Suboptimal path selection under greedy action selection with 39 trials and 710202 backups.

    The same situation with all the rest of action selection policies provides the optimal path towards the goal, shown if figure 7 .

    Figure 7: Optimal path selection under greedy action selection with 35 trials and 295702 backups.

    The difference between the different policies lies on the number of trials and backups performed in each one, as table 1 shows:

    Table 1: Sensitivity to Action Selection Policy.

    Another important aspect is the generalization capability of our agent, i.e. it's ability to find an new goal from the same or a different starting point and in the same or a different world. With this respect, the number of trials until convergence is important, because even though the system might find the optimal solution for the particular world configuration, if it finds it too early (after too few trials), it won't be able to generalize to different situations. Our system, with the convergence criterium described above, performs equally well for all the strategies when generalizing to several situations different to the one learnt. Figures 8 to 12 illustrate this fact.

    Figure 8: Optimal path learnt with Q-learning and within 15 trials and 28178 backups.

    Figure 9: Optimal path found with a different starting point.

    Figure 10: Optimal path learnt with DynaQ- and exploration bonus action selection (6666 trials and 166449 backups).

    Figure 11: Optimal path found with a different starting point.

    Figure 12: Optimal path learnt with DynaQ- and exploration bonus action selection (9005 trials and 168661 backups).

  2. Learning Strategy: The action selection policy controls the exploitation vs. exploration tradeoff which determines how well the agent generalizes for other cases and not only for the particular starting and goal positions that have been learnt. The learning strategies, on the other hand, determine how the experience that the agent acquires when interacting with the world is added to its value function. The most relevant differences between Q-learning and the Dyna architecture are:
  3. Learning Parameters:
    1. Learning rate, : The higher the learning rate, the faster the system learns the optimal policy. In the experiments  was set to 1.
    2. Spread of previous state, : The system's sensitivity with respect to  is similar to its sensitivity with respect to : the lower  is the slower the learning rate is, as table 2 and figure 13 show.

      Table 2: Learning rates.

      Figure 13: Learning rates with different gamma values.

    3. Number of hypothetical experiences, k: the larger the number of hypothetical experiences the faster the learning rate is but the larger the number of backups is (see figure 14 ). In the analysis of the influence of k the accepted error with respect to the optimal path was set to 2 instead of 1, given that the convergence is much faster even though the number of backups is much larger too.

      Figure 14: Learning rates with different k values.

Nuria Oliver Ramirez
Wed May 22 20:42:58 EDT 1996